Childhood immunizations
Choosing to immunize is one of the best decisions you can make to safeguard your child’s health, both now and in the distant future.
At Northwest Pediatric Center we feel privileged to partner with you in keeping your child healthy. We are committed to keeping you informed about vaccines and the diseases they prevent. For parents interested in reliable vaccine information online we provide a list of links below.
We also aim to keep the vaccination process as simple and painless as possible for your child, using combination vaccines to minimize the number of injections and using a variety of other techniques to decrease the experience of pain.
Through the use of vaccines, we hope to avoid the far more painful situation of an infection seriously injuring your child, when it could have been prevented.

Parents, you can get copies of your child’s immunization record by clicking one of the images above to print it out yourself or by calling our office [360-736-6778] and leaving a message for our triage nurse, who will send you the form within 48 hours.
Vaccine schedule:
Vaccines are given at our office based on schedules worked out through decades of experience and research. Because of all the attention and care that goes into this process, vaccines are some of the safest medical products you could ever give your child or yourself.
Vaccine refusal:
For parents choosing not to vaccinate their child or choosing to alter the recommended schedule, we remain committed to our partnership with you in safeguarding your child’s health, and we ask that you sign a form that acknowledges your decision to go against our best medical advice. Those who feel they cannot sign such a form will be given a list of other practices that may be able to accept their child for further care.
Vaccine information statements
Before every vaccination, we will discuss with you the risks/benefits of the recommended vaccinations, and give you a Vaccine Information Statement (VIS). These resources are produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and explain both the benefits and risks of a vaccine. If you are interested in reading up about a particular vaccine before your visit or would like to reference a VIS at any time, click one of the links below.