What's New

[from left] Coordinated Care President and CEO Beth Johnson, NWPC Foster Care Program Director Dr. Debbie Rodriguez, and NWPC Medical Director Dr. Lily Lo

Updates and info from Northwest Pediatrics

Some NWPC providers are currently accepting new patients, up to 17 years old.


Before your next appointment

  • Watch Nutritionist LeAnn Crowell’s new Fruit and Vegetable Rx Program video.
  • My child is sick or hurt – Should I call NWPC or go to the emergency department?
  • Meet our newest provider, Shanna Schultz LMHC
  • Our walk-in clinic hours are now Monday through Friday, 10 a.m to 6 p.m., Saturday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Sunday, 4 to 8 p.m. Remember, we have plenty of appointments available during the week to help meet your child’s needs.
  • NWPC will no longer require patients or family members to wear face masks, except in the following circumstances:
    • Patients or family members have respiratory symptoms such as cough, runny nose, or fever.
    • Patients or family members have had a confirmed exposure to COVID or influenza. These individuals must remain in their cars and check in from there. They must wear masks before entering the clinic building.
  • Medicaid participants – Attention!
    • Participants may receive age-appropriate and culturally appropriate services.
    • Participants may ask for a qualified interpreter and translated material at no cost.
    • Participants may request to receive information and help in the language or format of their choice.
  • Get copies of your child’s immunization record

Helping keep Northwest Pediatrics safe and welcoming

Northwest Pediatrics in the community